
2019-2021, oil on linen

About the Series


I’ve come to see my studio as a visual laboratory, where I investigate tiny slices of the world through careful and repeated attention to both organic and man-made small objects. 

I collect materials such as steel wool, tea bags, yarn, seed pods, pebbles, and gum wrappers. These bits and pieces are chosen for their visual and visceral qualities. Sometimes I seek out objects, who become repeated characters; sometimes I come upon them from the accumulated detritus of life.

With these bits and pieces, I create miniature worlds. I photograph these small, often chaotic scenes from multiple angles and with different light sources, experimenting with mirrors, water and glass to reflect and refract light. The photographs allow me to observe the set-ups in much greater detail than is possible with the naked eye. 

In the illusionistic space of the painting, I interweave drips and brush strokes even as I stay true to the particularity of certain objects, moments of light, and relationships.  

These assembled microcosms contain the stuff of life — embodying light, space, color, relationships, and the suggestion of constant change.